At the beginning of AD era, in Asia there are two big countries that are considered high level of civilization, namely India and China. Both the country's economic and trade relations are good. Flows of trade and shipping traffic going by road and sea. One of the marine traffic that passed the India-China is the Strait of Malacca. Indonesia is located in the path cross the position of two continents and two oceans, and near the Strait of Malacca has its advantages, namely:
- Frequently visited by foreign nations, like India, China, Arabic, and Persian,
- Opportunity to do international trade relations are wide open,
- Intercourse with other nations increasingly widespread, and
- Foreign influences into Indonesia, such as the Hindu-Buddhist.
1. Hypothesis Brahmin
This hypothesis was revealed that the Brahmin is very instrumental in efforts to spread Hindu culture in Indonesia. The Brahmin got an invitation from the Indonesian authorities to enthrone the king and led the religious ceremonies. Supporting this hypothesis is Van Leur.
2. Hypothesis Knights
On the hypothesis knight, the role of the spread of religion and Hindu culture performed by the knighthood. According to this hypothesis, in the past in India often occur antargolongan warfare in society. The soldiers who lost or bored faces of war, then left India. Apparently, among them some are up to the territory of Indonesia. These are then trying to establish new colonies as a place of residence. In places it is also possible the spread of Hindu religion and culture. FDK Bosch was one of supporting the hypothesis knight.
3. Hypothesis Vaishya
According to the proponents of the hypothesis Vaishya, Vaishya from the merchant group has been instrumental in spreading Hindu culture to the archipelago. Traders deal with the rulers and their subjects. Interwoven relationship has opened opportunities for the deployment process of Hindu culture. NJ Krom is one of the supporters of the hypothesis Vaishya.
4. Hypothesis Sudra
Van Von Faber revealed that the battle that occurred in India has led faction sudra become outcasts. They then left India by following the Vaishya. With large numbers, allegedly contributing sudralah class in Hindu culture spread to the archipelago.
In addition to the above opinion, experts suspect a lot of young people in Indonesia who studied Hinduism and Buddhism to India. In overseas they founded an organization called Sanggha. After gaining the knowledge that many, they returned to pass it on. Such an opinion is called Reverse Flow Theory.
In general, experts tend to the opinion which states that the entry of Hindu culture to Indonesia was taken and distributed by the Indonesian people themselves. The earliest evidence for the influence of Indian culture in Indonesia is the discovery of a bronze statue of Buddha in the area Sempaga (South Sulawesi). Judging from its shape, this statue has a style similar to the statues are made in Amarawati (India). Experts estimate, the Buddha statue is the merchandise or goods offerings to Buddhist sacred buildings. In addition, many also found the oldest inscriptions in Sanskrit and ancient Malay. News delivered inscriptions that provide clues that Hindu culture spread in the kingdom of Srivijaya in the 7th century AD.
The influence of Hindu-Buddhist cultural elements from India have been changing and adding cultural treasures of Indonesia in several aspects of life.
1. Religion
When entering the era of history, people in Indonesia have adopted the belief of animism and dynamism. People are starting to accept the new belief system, namely the Hindu-Buddhist since interacting with the people of India. The new culture brought changes in religious life, for example in terms of manners, ceremonies of worship, and forms of worship.
2. Governance
Royal government system introduced by the Indian people. In this system of small groups of people united by a broad territory ownership. Chieftain of the best and strongest are entitled to royal power. Therefore, the birth kingdoms, such as Kutai, Tarumanegara, and Sriwijaya.
3. Architecture
One of the megalithic tradition is punden berundak-building steps. Tradition is combined with the culture of India which inspired the building of the temple. If we look at the Borobudur Temple, it would appear that the pyramid-shaped building that staircase the steps. This is a proof of India-Indonesia cultural blend.
4. Language
Kingdoms of the Hindu-Buddhist in Indonesia left several inscriptions that most of the lettered Pallawa and speaking Sanskrit. In subsequent developments even today, the Indonesian language to enrich themselves with the Sanskrit language. Sentences or words of Indonesian language is the result of uptake from the Sanskrit, the Pancasila, Dharma Dasa, Kartika Eka Paksi, Parasamya Purnakarya Nugraha, and so forth.
5. Literature
India's growing influence in Indonesia brought great advances in the field of literature. Famous literary works that they carry is the book of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The existence of the books that encourage the Indonesian poets to produce works of their own. Works of literature that emerged in Indonesia are:
- Arjunawiwaha, works Mpu Kanwa,
- Sutasoma, Tantular Mpu work, and
- Negarakertagama, mpu Prapanca work.
Hinduism developed in India in 1500 BC ±. Source of Hindu teachings contained in the Vedic scripture. Vedas consists of 4 Samhita or "set", namely:
- Reg Vedas, contains the poems of praise to the gods.
- Same Vedas, containing the sacred songs.
- Yajur Veda, containing the ritual incantations to safety.
- Atharwa Vedas, containing the prayers for healing diseases.
- Book Brahmins, contains teachings about things offerings.
- Book of the Upanishads, containing the divine teachings and the meaning of life.
- Brahmin god, as god the creator.
- Lord Vishnu, the maintainer and protector deity.
- Lord Shiva, the god of destruction.
- Brahmin caste, composed of the clergy.
- Caste Knights, composed of the king, the royal family and nobles.
- Vaishya caste, composed of merchants, and laborers medium.
- Sudra caste, composed of farmers, small labor and slaves.
Hindus choose places that are considered sacred for example, Benares as a place bersemayamnya Lord Shiva and the Ganges water to purify the sins of Hindus, so they can reach the top of nirvana.
Buddhism taught by Siddharta Gautama in India in 531 BC ±. His father was a king named Sudhodana and mother goddess Maya. Buddha means one who was conscious and wanted to break away from samsara.
Buddhist scriptures are Tripittaka meaning "Three Baskets" written in Poly. As for the meaning of the Three Baskets were:
- Winayapittaka: Contains the rules and laws that must be run by Buddhists.
- Sutrantapittaka: Contains discourse-discourse or the teachings of the Buddha.
- Abhidarmapittaka: Contains an explanation of religious matters.
- Buddha is devoted to the Buddha.
- Dharma is devoted to the teachings of Buddha.
- Prop that is devoted to the adherents-embraces Buddhism.
- The view is right.
- True intentions.
- These words are true.
- The act is right.
- Right livelihood.
- Businesses that right.
- Attention is right.
- Meditated correct.
- Hinayana Buddhism, which every person can achieve on its own nirvana.
- Mahayana Buddhism, that one can reach nirvana with joint efforts and mutual assistance.
- Kapilavastu, the birthplace of the Buddha.
- Bodh Gaya, where Buddha meditated and gained Bodhi.
- Sarnath / Varanasi, where the Buddha first taught the doctrine.
- Kusinagara, namely the death of the Buddha.
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